Part 1: Making the Decision to Make a Change |
A thought that may be going through your mind right now is: Is it possible to manage a household economy in a balanced way and live in dignity? Were people who were in our situation able to get out of it? The unequivocal answer is: Yes. Continue reading
Part II: Understanding the Situation |
Do you live off what you have every month or do you increase your debts every month? How do you sketch this reality? Start by carefully examining your expenses, income, debts, and savings. This stage is called “mirroring.” The purpose of the mirroring is to provide information about the financial conduct of your household. Continue reading |
Part 3 : How do you build a budget? |
What is a budget, anyway? A budget is a tool used to set a home’s economic goals (expenses versus income) on a monthly average. The construction of the budget is carried out in several stages. Continue reading |
Part IV: Living on a Budget |
A family budget is the cornerstone of a balanced family economy. If you don’t have one already, it’s time to build it. Assuming you’ve already built a budget, after looking at your household’s fixed income and expenses, it’s time to take a breath and learn how to manage your budget on an ongoing basis. Continue reading |