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What the bank must tell you
Elevating the Professionalism of Paamonim’s Support System
Read about Liraz and Avi’s experience with Paamonim
“After the holidays”- Everything takes on a fresh start
Paamonim’s latest Activities
Wise economic conduct in the transition from crisis to routine
Tips for Students for the Beginning of the Academic Year
Financial parity: separate bank accounts or joint bank account?
Hanukkah and the Pocket
What is a banking ID card and what is it used for?
May we become the head – Happy New Year Greetings
Holiday meals and shopping at the supermarket, how do you do it right?
Will everything change after the holidays?
Spending time on Chol Hamoed
How much does it cost to enlist?
Financial education during the summer vacation
10 tips for a cost-effective return to school
What are the financial implications of enlisting in the army?
Paamonim for students:
The freedom of unlimited possibilities
Thanks to them and thanks to them!
Paamonim Student Branches
Small Great News
Talk to your spouse about money and get away with it