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Purim is a great holiday for children, but what about the parents? Tips for an economical holiday

Saving tips on buying costumes, delivering dishes and spending time on Purim.

Purim is Happy holiday and jokes, but in order for you to stay with a smile on your face the next day – you should plan and budget your holiday expenses.

So here are some tips to help you get out of the holiday safely.

Packet deliveries

Purim is a holiday in which every home kitchen becomes an industrialized assembly line for mass-produced food deliveries. You should prepare well for the operation:

  • Prepare an organized list to whom to send. This way you will not forget anyone, and on the other hand you will not prepare too many idle deliveries.
  • Sort your recipients by types (family, close friends, neighbors, children, etc.), and build a menu for each delivery type. Depending on the lists, prepare a list of groceries to buy.
  • In order to reduce costs, purchase large packages and distribute their contents to the various shipments. Pay attention to the contents of the packaging: sometimes packaging of the same product and at the same price includes different quantities, for example: 20 wafers versus 25 wafers.
  • Deals don’t always pay off. This is true throughout the year – and also on Purim, which is full of deals. Check carefully to see if the deal suits your needs and don’t forget that Passover is lurking around the corner.
  • Make your own is nicer – think about deliveries of dishes you can make at home. They are cheaper to prepare and give a more special feeling to the recipient (personal cakes, cookies, etc.). Packet delivery ideas.

To the article on original parcel deliveries>>>


Remember to wear them for only a few hours. So keep in mind:

Don’t run to buy:

  • Inventory count: You can check your closets and find many accessories that can be used as costumes – old clothing, makeup, accessories.
  • Phone for nephews: Explore borrowing a costume from friends, family or neighbors.
  • Second-hand costume fairs: Some schools organize a market for second-hand costumes at very cheap prices. Remember: last year’s butterfly princess could be your princess this year.
  • Self-production: We all know this deep in our hearts – there’s nothing like a costume we made ourselves. For the older children let plan and produce their costume, you will be surprised at how much they enjoy.
  • Here are some sites that offer self-made costume ideas:

If you do buy:

  • Preliminary intelligence: We do not go into battle without gathering knowledge from the field. Compare prices, search for different types of stores, and inquire online.
  • The child is not finally closed on the costume? Don’t buy it yet. Maybe instead of dressing up as a zombie he would decide to be Mordechai?
  • Coordinating expectations: Children are involved from the beginning: building a budget and coordinating expectations.

Next year we will dress up on the balcony

At the end of the holiday, many stores sell their remaining costumes and accessories at very cheap prices. If the price is indeed particularly cheap and these are accessories that are most likely to be used – consider purchasing part of next year’s costume this year.


The country is full of holiday events for free or low cost. Check online or in the local press where and when there are cheap/free activities – Adlaidah processions, Purim market, etc. It is also advisable to check with the local youth movement.

Most importantly: enjoy every moment on Purim. It is immediately followed by Passover.

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