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Are we economically free?

Author: Naomi Lerch
Leaving Slavery for Freedom on Passover

Spring and Passover are the time of year when we can ask what our economic future will look like and what kind of free people we choose to be. Around the holiday, we can find out with ourselves whether our economic conduct is optimal and if it is not, whether our uninformed conduct is a form of slavery itself. We can choose what economic slavery we want to liberate from our lives and what we want to wish ourselves for the coming spring and summer in the economic context. We can plan our future and sleep soundly knowing that financially, the next day is well planned and there is even an amount reserved for the unexpected.

Previous generations lived what they were, and it was clear to each and every one of them how to manage their finances. Saving for future generations was an accepted way of life and there was economic clarity even in times when resources were scarce.
In recent years, excess consumerism has become unrestrained, and one that defines, among other things, human status. The clear formulas disappeared and the unequivocal and obvious economic lines were erased. Economic and technological changes have become frequent and rapid, the supply is endless and global and a product or service can easily be purchased online. With a few clicks, from a child to an adult can order cheap products that arrive within days from China to the customer’s home.

Technological development helps us make quick decisions, purchase more and more easily, and our personal data is collected by commercial entities who learn about our shopping habits and lifestyle – which makes marketing to us online more accurate and motivates us to make more purchases and with increasing frequency, when the consumer is usually unaware of the extent to which he is psychologically captive in the online marketing games. While an online shopping experience is great, how many products did we need, how much did we enjoy and how much did we just purchase?

How do you stop the race of life on the way to more and more shopping?

Taking responsibility and learning to manage financially correctly.

We all have a natural desire to succeed in the battle for economic survival and the reasonable person wants to know that he is conducting himself correctly, that he has all his rights, invests in insurance optimally, has a pension set aside for him legally and more. The information needed to make the best decisions, on all issues related to family finances, is available online. However, sometimes the flooding of information on the Internet makes it difficult for the user to understand what information is appropriate and according to which recommendations he should act.

It is clear that if each family takes the time to learn how to conduct itself and invests in understanding the main principles of family finances, it will help itself reach a better financial future. When there is a knowledge base, contacting a professional will also be done with clear questions and the answers you receive will be clear.

A good place to start is to set personal and family priorities. What are the things that are important to us and cannot be given up, what is difficult to give up, what is possible to give up easily. Passover, which is very expensive in expenses, is an excellent time to start setting priorities and reduce expenses accordingly.

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