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Seder dinner for 10 people for 400 NIS

Rich and tasty menu for an economical holiday meal

Passover with its meals is upon us, and every year we invest efforts in choosing the festive menu that will delight us at the holiday table with the traditional meal.

On Seder night, we like to sit around the table and watch the Seder participants enjoy the delicious meal we have prepared, but should delicious food necessarily cost a lot of money?

The variety of options on Passover is great, you can prepare a wide variety of options for each dish, you can cook luxurious dishes from expensive ingredients, but won’t the meal be festive enough anyway even if we don’t get too busy preparing the food?

Menu and recipes for a Seder dinner for 10 people

Wine and Tiroche: 4 bottles (100 NIS)

Matzo: 3 reserved matzos and a pack of matzah (60 ₪)

Seder dish dishes: (50 ₪)

First course – vegetable soup (20 NIS) with candelach (15 NIS)

Ingredients: 2 medium onions, 4 carrots, 4 stalks of celery, or celery root, 1 leek, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of dill, 1 bunch of coriander, pumpkin, zucchini. Salt and pepper and spices according to your favorite cuisine (hawaij, crocus, paprika, etc.)

How to prepare: Fry onions in oil until transparent, add the spices and half of the herbs and vegetables for short frying and cook until the vegetables are soft. Add the other half of the herbs and fix seasoning if necessary.

Candelach (approx. 30 units)

Ingredients: 1 cup matzo flour, 4 eggs, 4 tablespoons oil, 1 teaspoon salt and black pepper, 1 cup boiling water

How to prepare: Beat the oily eggs, salt and pepper and add the matzo flour gradually stirring.

Add the boiling water while stirring and continue stirring until a uniform mixture is obtained.

Cover the bowl and set it aside for 1-2 hours.

Boil a saucepan filled with boiling water with a little salt

Place near the saucepan a bowl with cold water. Wet your hands and form small balls from the pulp Carefully slide the balls into the saucepan, cooking until the candelabra floats in the saucepan.

Main course – chicken basilan (35 NIS)

Ingredients: 5 thighs divided in half, half a cup of silan, a quarter cup of olive oil, 3 cloves of garlic.

How to prepare: Mix the silan with the olive oil, garlic. Salt and pepper to marinate. Cover the chicken well in the position and after a few hours of soaking, cover with aluminum foil and put in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius. After about an hour, the aluminum foil is removed and when the brown color is obtained, the chicken is ready.

Extra potatoes (15 NIS)

Ingredients: 3 kg of potatoes, olive oil, salt and pepper and spices

How to prepare: Cut the potatoes into cubes, cover the human apples with the olive and spices by stirring and put in the tans for about an hour.

Antipasti supplement (30 NIS)

Ingredients: 2 sweet potatoes, 2 eggplants, 2 zucchini, 2 onions, a head of garlic, 2 peppers, a basket of mushrooms, olive oil, rosemary/thyme, salt and pepper

How to prepare: Cut the vegetables, mix with olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary/thyme and put in the oven.

Cabbage salad with cranberries (17 NIS)

Ingredients: 1 large cabbage, 200 g cranberries,juice from lemon, 1/4 cup canola oil, sugar and salt

How to prepare: Cut the cabbage, massage it with salt and let it “stand” for an hour. Mix the rest of the ingredients and mix with the cabbage.

Last course – strawberries in whipped cream (60 NIS)

Ingredients: 3 vegetable heavy cream, 4 baskets of strawberries, powdered sugar

How to prepare: Cut the strawberries and sprinkle the powdered sugar, beat the heavy cream and add powdered sugar to taste. Before serving, mix the whipped cream with the strawberries. Can be garnished with the syrup formed in the strawberry bowl.

Planning the holiday dinner



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