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Paamonim in children’s sandwiches

The ringing for the lunch break has never been so intriguing…

Amaleh and Abaleh,

We have the best addition to your child’s 10th meal!
Paamonim in sandwiches – 54 notes with riddles, questions, idioms and concepts on financial topics – all in an appetizing and anticipatory way.

Come and provide children with basic concepts in economics in an experiential, fun and curious way.

Notes for sandwiches

  • What is the role of the bank?
  • How do you make money?
  • Why not just print more of it?
  • When do you take out a mortgage?
  • And does money grow on trees?

The answers to these questions and more can be found at Paamonim in Sandwiches

So what should be done?

download >> print >> Cut >> Attach a note to the sandwich every day

And have an appetite!

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