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Opinion: how the country should deal with the employment crisis

Author: Elazar Pinkovich
Paamonim help the government find creative solutions to manage the economic crisis

Training for the unskilled / abrasive professions

The economic-employment crisis presents an opportunity to restore its glow to the government’s vocational training system in a model of training, at the end of which graduates are implemented for required new jobs.
A combined model of the government and employers will make it possible to provide unskilled job seekers with an employment horizon while providing full unemployment benefits throughout the training and subsidizing part of the employee’s salary during the absorption year – thereby benefiting the economy from skilled workers and committed employers in the long term, and bridging labor gaps in professions where demand is high and supply is low.

Retraining academics for education

The labor market’s need for professional teachers in order to operate the education system even during an emergency, in addition to missing standards even before the crisis, requires a quick response that will raise the level of teaching and the quality of those engaged in the profession.
Any “conditional” solution is liable to harm the education system, the quality of teaching, and the ability to recruit teachers in the future.
Opening accelerated programs to train academics for teaching, while providing incentives, may be the oxygen that will save both employment and education for many years.

Holistic Employment Programs

A significant percentage of the population that finds it difficult to return to the labor market is liable to find itself in chronic prolonged unemployment long after the end of the safety net program. The longer the period outside the labor market, the lower the value of the worker in the labor market and the greater the effort required for him to reintegrate into it.
For the past 15 years, Israel has operated holistic programs for dealing with the unemployed in various operating models, all of which have been proven to be effective and return the country’s investment and even more.
The model, which includes support and funding baskets for enveloping services for employment, for those among the unemployed who will respond to these programs, while maintaining contact with employers and training benefit recipients for the labor market, has already proven itself in the past and must be implemented today, in parallel with the two programs above.

Financial Conduct

Providing tools for finding employment is insufficient, certainly not when the period of integration into the labor market is likely to be extended, while family income has been negatively impacted and declined compared to precrisis incomes.
This situation requires that every job seeker receive, in parallel with his absorption into the Employment Service, the tools to manage his household in a wise manner that will enable him to cope with the changes forced upon him and the uncertainty factors that surround him.
Only a household that has weathered the turbulent economic waters and managed to find a place to anchor during the storm period will be free to devote the many resources required of it to the issue of employment.
Crossing these turbulent waters requires household familiarity with its income and expenditure structure, liabilities structure, and the value of various assets, in order to bridge the income gaps between unemployment benefits and the preceding period, and will provide the household with the stability required to transition through the crisis period and exit it to conduct wise conduct in the long term.

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