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Making dreams come true in the New Year

Sometimes dreams come true.

“This is the dream we create in our hearts without saying a word:
That something miraculous will happen suddenly,
That it has to happen,
May time open before us,
May the heart open before us,
May the gates open before us,
May the rock open before us,
A hidden heaven will break into our confrontation,
May the dream itself open before us
And that one cattle will unwittingly reach into
A small bay we didn’t know was there all along.”
(This is the Dream / Olav Hauga, translated into Hebrew: Sabina Masag)

Dreams come in a variety of colors and shapes. Who among us doesn’t have living, kicking dreams and old dreams that we have abandoned in the heat of routine? Even in the hidden drawer lie side by side dreams that we stopped believing could come true, mainly because we don’t have enough money to fulfill them.

So how do we submit dreams when we don’t have the money?

I believe that in order for us to realize them, we need self-belief in our ability to realize them. This belief combined with hard (sometimes very difficult) work and determination is the first step to fulfillment.

We will choose a dream for fulfillment

For some of us, the need to choose a dream for fulfillment will cause countless dreams to pop up. There are people who carry with them a single, clear and tangible dream that they would like to fulfill, some of us have a list ready. Fulfilling a dream always begins with identifying one goal. Take the time to choose the dream you want to make come true – and hit the road.

A deadline has been set

A dream without a deadline is just a wish. Therefore, it is necessary to set a timeline for its realization. Mark your calendar with the deadline for making your dream come true.

We believe that the dream can be realized

Unfortunately, many do not fulfill their dreams because they do not believe in their ability to fulfill them. Those who belong to those who find it difficult to believe and fulfill a dream, it is recommended to set a smaller goal and work towards achieving it. (For example, if you dream of running a marathon, set yourself a goal of running 5 km, after meeting it you will expand the goal to 10 km, and only then to an entire marathon)

We will adapt life, even a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step

You didn’t fulfill your dream – that’s why you chose it. If you have not yet fulfilled your dream, something in your current lifestyle has not made it possible. In order to achieve it, make a lifestyle adjustment. It is recommended to start with a small step. Buying a house starts with saving one shekel. Even if there are many steps on the way to fulfillment, and quite a few things need to be changed in lifestyle, the first step is completely achievable… The second step is already easier.

We’ll run to tell the guys (or the gang a definitive secret)

You can get a lot of encouragement from the people closest to you. Sharing the dream and how you want to realize it, as well as the steps you have already succeeded in realizing it, will give you the desired support at a crisis point and the recognition of your progress in every step you take on the way to realizing the dream. There’s nothing like a WhatsApp group to get positive feedback in an instant time. Start a dream group, add relevant people and keep them updated on the pace of progress.

We will stay in focus and choose an alternative route

It’s hard to persevere. There are always small deviations from the dream and temptations along the way that divert the focus from the goal. And if the dream is hard to achieve, there will be successes along the way, but failures are also expected. Instead of letting failures “kill” the dream, you can update it if necessary and start over at difficult points in time. Be determined

Did we encounter difficulty? Help will help

Even if it seems that your life is different from that of others, and your difficulties are unique only to you, many people have followed a similar path and fulfilled dreams. Some of them encountered difficulties identical to yours and found ways to cope with them. Don’t let your pride stop you from getting help, you know best what can help you with difficulty.


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