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How do you save and enjoy an Independence Day barbecue?

Tips for economical BBQ for meat eaters and vegetarians too

With the first firework heralding the start of Independence celebrations, the clouds of BBQ smoke multiply like mushrooms after rain. We were few against many, they wanted to destroy us and we won – come on, let’s eat. However, meeting bad guys around food can be very costly. How can you enjoy Independence Day without overspending?

Who eats what

Build a menu and list

Before shopping, make a list of celebrants: how many children, how many adults, how many vegetarians.
Children are usually satiated in the pita-chickpea stage.
The number of vegetarians in each group is increasing from year to year. Vegetarians have no shortage of alternatives that can be placed on the barbecue and do not contain meat. Check carefully who has changed their dietary habits.

Ideas for recipes for vegetarians can be found here:
Vegan grilled
15 Vegan BBQ Recipes That Non-Vegans Will Love

One thing is for sure: neither children, vegetarians nor meat eaters can eat pita chickpeas, salads, side dishes and a large variety of meat/vegetarian substitutes.

What is the adult serving size and what is the portion that will satisfy a child?

The usual calculation for an adult is 350 grams of protein (meat or vegetarian substitute), and a child will swear by 150 grams of protein.
Regarding the amount of pita bread needed: 1.5 pita breads for adults and half pita for children will satisfy those who eat for the rabbi.

Big buy buy cheap buyers

When making a large purchase, the price difference between different supermarkets can amount to hundreds of shekels. Therefore, even if you do not make sure to compare prices, on Independence Day you can save quite a bit of money if you do so. Therefore, after you have calculated the quantities you need and built a shopping list, review the various deals in the chains, check where the prices are cheaper and where you made the purchase, consider splitting the purchase into two chains, if the deals justify it.
Check that the significant discount is not dependent on purchase. If you have to buy products for 500 NIS that you don’t need at all, you won’t save anything even if you get a discount of ten NIS for a product you buy especially for Independence Day.
Did you buy more than you need for Independence Day? Freeze what you don’t need for Independence Day.

Its membership also in expenses

Once you’ve agreed on a place, determine what each one brings. No need for 5 kilos of chickpeas. One will bring the hummus, another the water, the third the pita bread. Think about how expenses can be divided so that everyone spends an amount that reflects their number of guests.

Reduce amounts

A good way to save money and reduce the common feeling of “eating too much” is to reduce portion sizes. After hummus – pita – the level of hunger is not great. You can divide what you put on the fire into smaller portions. For example, the adult patties were divided into “mini”, i.e. 3 servings, so that everyone will receive all the variety available without overloading the stomach and pocket and without wasting. Don’t worry, no one will stay hungry.

The supplement that occupies (space in the abdomen)

Adding toppings such as potatoes, corn cobs, and skewers of vegetables or pasta will reduce the amount of meat or vegetarian protein you will need to buy.



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