Articles & Tools

Guide: Where is the money?

An activity that helps you understand where the money is really “going”

An activity that enables experimentation in the process of reflecting the real financial situation while focusing on one item of expenses.

As part of the activity, we will try to estimate what our total expenses are in the food section, and then break it down into subsections and calculate how much we really spend on food for one month.

Our experience shows that the initial estimate of the rabbi is inaccurate and only a full and detailed reflection allows us to truly understand where the money is going.

general information

What is the purpose?

Understanding the importance and significance of the mirroring process as a basis for building a budget.

What to do?

  • Estimate how much money is spent on prominent budget items
  • Experience the process of reflecting expenditures on one budget item

What is needed?

Board / Flipchart

Practice pages

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