Articles & Tools

Guide: How to read a paycheck

Training activities on salary slips for youth and young adults

What is thepaycheck, and does the employer have to give it to me? What is the difference between gross and net? Do I need to pay income tax? How do I see what and how much I paid? These questions and more will be answered within the framework of this study unit, which is intended for youth and young adults who are taking their first steps in the labor market.

What is the purpose?

Understand what important information can be derived from the paycheck, what is the meaning of basic terms related to the payslip such as gross and net, deductions (income tax, social security and health tax), what Form 101 is and what it is intended for.

What to do?

• Examine the salary slip and its various components and formulate questions about its contents.
• Play “knowledge bingo” and get to know the meaning of attractors
• Talk about the connection between the numbers that appear on the slip and the amount that remains in our hand / goes into the bank.

What is needed?

Bingo tab set to distribute
Reply to the facilitator (Appendix A in the array)
Facilitator tabs

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