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Enriching parent activity: what to do with pocket money and why you should save

Enriching parent activity on saving for children in kindergarten through first grade

Pocket money, birthday gifts, Hanukkah fees… Children receive money from us adults on various occasions, but do they know what to do with it? Are they willing to give up small things for a bigger purpose? Can they learn the meaning of savings?

general information

What is the purpose?

Children will learn basic principles of planning and saving for a purpose.

What to do?

  • Talk to the children about what you can do with the money you get from the adults.
  • Think together about why you should keep the money and how you can use it to buy things you really want.
  • Create and decorate savings funds from recycled materials.

What is needed?

  • Shared savings fund (ornate box or empty plastic savings fund).
  • Banknotes or game coins.
  • A bag of marshmallows (or other candy).
  • Surprises for all kids.
  • A small box with a lid for each child (you can ask the children to bring). Cardboard or plastic boxes can be used, but preferably have a lid that can be opened and closed, and that can be carved into a groove the size of a coin.
  • Creative materials (paints, markers, colored papers, glue, etc.).
  • “I save” sticker sheets to decorate the boxes (optional)

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