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10 saving tips for vacationers

Tips for saving on organizing a family vacation.

When we want to spend time and have fun and also keep our pockets, it turns out that “flowing” is not the most effective solution. So yes, freedom is also freedom from thinking and planning, but taking a few small actions before going on vacation will allow you to enjoy your vacation with peace of mind.

  1. Changing apartments: Many families find that with the birth of their third child, the price of hotel accommodation jumps dramatically: jumps because of the need for two rooms or a family suite, and wonders because of the increase in hotel accommodation prices in recent years. Therefore, many Israelis join the international trend that allows saving thousands of shekels, and exchange apartments with another family who want to spend their vacation in Israel or another city. Search for “house swaps” on Facebook or online and you’ll find plenty of free accommodation options.
  2. Traveling with Israel Railways: The Israel Railways website has plenty of offers for entertainment close to the train travel route . A round-trip ticket is cheaper than one ticket each way. There are sites that give a discount to those who reach them by public transport. Keep the card and present it at checkout.
  3. Hiking the Israel Trail: A trip to the Israel Trail is suitable for everyone, all you have to do is choose the route that suits you. On the Internet you can findinformationabout the different parts of the trail, public transportation leading to it and possible places to equip and stay. In addition, you can use the database of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel – 52 maps of sections of the Israel National Trail for free download.
  4. Go camping: In recent years, there has been a growing selection of campsites at very cheap prices compared to hotel prices. A family’s accommodation at a campsite for a few nights will cost less than one night at the hotel. The unique experience of spending time in nature has been attracting more and more families with children in recent years, it is worth taking advantage of this option.
  5. Go outside: Eating at restaurants will significantly increase the cost of your vacation. Buy products at the local supermarket and prepare your own meals. Restaurants don’t have to order appetizer, second, dessert and drinks. Children don’t need whole portions.
  6. Together it’s cheaper: go on vacation with another family. This has many advantages. The children are busy spending time with the children of the other family and the need for attractions decreases. It is also possible to rent an apartment or car together and save in this way.
  7. Coupons: Look ahead for coupons and benefits for websites, make a list of sites that are free to access. Coupons can be found on specialized websites, through organizations, workplaces and credit cards.
  8. Drinks and snacks: Don’t be tempted to shop at convenience stores. The price is expensive. If you’ve decided snacks are allowed, buy them in advance or buy them at supermarkets you’ll go to along the way.
  9. Be a tourist in your locality: The family vacation can be held from home and thus save on the cost of accommodation, which is a significant part of the price of the vacation. Define it as your family vacation, organize yourself with indulgent food and indulge in one meal a day from a restaurant, base the other meals on light food, go out in the living area, order movies and build a plan that matches the preferences of family members.
  10. Have you returned from your vacation? Now is the time to start saving for your next annual vacation.

Download Excel and plan your vacation costs, in advance.

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