About the course

Designed for: Couples up to the age of 35 with up to two children | It is recommended that both spouses attend the course
Format: Zoom course, a Zoom course that includes 5 two-hour sessions that take place during the week in the evenings. The course includes 4 weekly sessions, two hours each + bonus session of personal sessions
Language: English
Mobile: Optimized
Cancellation of participation: Up to 10 days before the start of the course – full refund.
Up to 3 days before – 50% refund.
After that, no refund will be given
More details: college@paamonim.org

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Wise Financial Conduct – For Young Couples – Zoom Course – December

  • We moved in together. What do you do with the money?
  • Pension? Now? Who has a mind to deal with this, I’m still young…
  • How much we would like a home of our own, but how do we do it?
  • We are constantly arguing about spending and spending
  • Banks? Where do you even start talking to them?
  • I have no idea how to read the documents that come from the insurance company

Online Financial Management Courses for Young Couples

Young couples who begin to run a joint household are at a crossroads in the economic field and are required to acquire a great deal of basic knowledge in a variety of economic subjects. Also, many couples have to deal with differences in perceptions and attitudes towards money.

Therefore, precisely now, at the beginning of the road…

Paamonim offers every young couple financial guidance

Come learn and acquire tools that will help you build a balanced family budget, create stable economic foundations and prevent future crises.

What do we offer?

An online course is accompanied by a 4-session facilitation, each session of 2 hours + an individual online session for each couple.

The course is led by the best bell lecturers and includes lectures, simulations, tools for future use and active experience.

Main contents:

  • Couples communication from an economic perspective
  • Building a budget based on priorities
  • Savings and preparing for the future (buying a house, having a child)
  • Principles of wise consumerism
  • Read a payslip
  • Principles of dealing with the bank
  • Pension Assessments

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