Living well with the mortgage

Taking out a mortgage is an important decision, probably one of the biggest and most important financial decisions you will make in your life. This is a step that requires a process of learning, acquiring knowledge and making informed decisions. The paamonim Enrichment Unit will help you at the beginning of the road, expose you to important concepts and give you tools and tips with which you can use the process.

So if these sentences are relevant to you:

How do you prepare for taking out a mortgage?
How much equity do you need?
What is purchase tax?
What is a clearance board?
What are the steps in taking a mortgage?
How do you live with her?

Let us help you put things in order

A taste of the course:

What do we offer?

An enrichment unit of 3 lessons for self-learning at a time and pace that suits you.

Main contents:

  • Towards a mortgage
  • Basic concepts in the field of mortgages
  • The 7-Step Model in Taking Out a Mortgage
  • Home Cost Calculator and Related Expenses
  • How to live well with the mortgage

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