About the course

Designed for: Young Adults | Families
Hebrew, English, Spanish, French, Russian
To order a lecture / training : Iris: 052-2245855 irisy@paamonim.org

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The Bank and I

Who is afraid of the bank? Let’s talk about the bank and us. The lecture will help you obtain information and tools for wise conduct vis-à-vis the bank. We will briefly learn about the bank’s activities and get acquainted with basic concepts, in addition we will get acquainted with types of loans, repayment terms and types of follow-up. We will talk about negotiations with the bank and reduce the level of anxiety from the “bank”.

In this lecture we will deal with…

  • Basic assumptions for the bank’s activities,
  • Basic concepts in banking,
  • Loans: types of loans, repayment and tracking,
  • Negotiations with the bank



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