About the course

Designed for: Young people | Families
Hebrew, English, Spanish, French, Russian
To order a lecture/tutorial : Iris: 052-2245855

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Parental authority and financial education

Financial education and parental authority – about the financial values in light of which we conduct ourselves and the way they are passed on to children. In the lecture we will deal with the formulation of a common parental vision for our financial conduct as a family and ours vis-à-vis the children, we will talk about the challenges that exist for parents and children in the field of economic conduct in the new era, and we will provide a set of practical tools for dealing wisely with the challenges of financial education.

In this lecture we will deal with…

  • familiarity with the concept of financial education,
  • Learning parenting skills in harnessing children and youth to the economic issue,
  • Tips for wise consumerism and involving children.

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