
“You must wake up every morning with the confidence you are able to break free from dependency on others.”

“You must wake up every morning with the confidence you are able to break free from dependency on others.”

After experiencing domestic violence and residing in a shelter for battered women, (name in system) sent a warm thank-you note to Paamonim, who mentored and guided her on her path toward financial stability.


My name is [name saved in the system], and up until two and a half years ago, I resided in a shelter for abused women operated by Bat Melech I came to the shelter after experiencing financial violence by my spouse, who prevented me from going out to work or even thinking about making a living. I was left with debts of thousands of shekels.

It wasn’t until I was ready to leave the shelter, and while trying to plan an autonomous life outside, that I realized my financial situation was like a bad movie. I accumulated endless debts, took out endless loans, and no longer had coverage on my credit card . I had zero control over my monthly expenses

I knew I had no chance of sustaining this reality once I left the shelter. I decided to turn to Paamonim for help and started your mentoring program.

The first meeting shook me completely.

I met with Paamonim’s guidance consultant, who is an accountant by profession, and I realized that my situation was far from good. Apart from the loans and debts I had, I paid hundreds of shekels a month to all sorts of factors, so I didn’t know what or why.

After the orientation call, I was assigned to Leah who became my mentor throughout the period of guidance with Paamonim. When I met her for the first time, I felt that I had found salvation.

She came to me every week, we built a budget and I learned to write down every income and every expense. I felt that she saw me beyond the numbers. She gave me practical advice on how to manage my finances correctly and sowed seeds of hope that things can change and become better. This letter is a small attempt to thank her for her great dedication.

After months of accompaniment, my financial situation improved greatly. There are still loans, but I got rid of the overdraft that was fixed in passers-by, and is estimated at very high amounts.

Recovering from such a period takes time and requires strenuous daily work, but my experience proves that it is possible! You have to wake up every morning and believe that you can get out of need! I ask that you publish this letter, and distribute it to people who are where I was, who believe in the ability to make a difference!


Once again, I wish to personally thank Leah, my mentor. You have to volunteer, and you have to do much more.

Praying that I continue on the path I started,

Congratulations on your activities and tools.

Cherishes and appreciates.

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