Measurement and evaluation study
Study author: Liana Stierman
Published Date: 01/02/2015
Published in: University of Haifa, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Human Services

Non-cognitive aspects of financial decision-making and financial empowerment

In recent years, the economic market has been characterized by increasing complexity and uncertainty. In light of this, every person is expected to plan his long-term financial future and to conduct himself in an informed and responsible manner in the financial field.

The study examined the attitudes and beliefs of families undergoing financial support at the paamonim, from the perspective of those who lend them paamonim, which provide them with financial support and financial empowerment. These attitudes and beliefs influence financial decision-making and may be psychological barriers in the process of financial empowerment.

The study was conducted using a questionnaire that was administered as a digital survey to a sample of 100 chaperones operating within the framework of the Paamonim Association in various regions throughout the country.

The findings of the study revealed three main psychological barriers that characterize economic lenders’ perception of the families undergoing escort. These barriers are: a short-term view of the family, unwise use of financial means, and comparison with the environment and social norms.

These barriers affect the financial situation of the families and the success of the financial support program. All three barriers were perceived as issues that need to be addressed in practice in the financial support process, as issues that some lenders have difficulty dealing with, and for which it is necessary to acquire additional knowledge in the field.

In conclusion, non-cognitive aspects such as psychological barriers, attitudes and beliefs examined in the present study are an integral part of financial difficulties that affect the financial conduct of families and individuals. As such, it is necessary to relate to them and deal with them in financial education and guidance processes.

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