
Tips for a happy and cost-effective Purim

Tips for saving on costume purchasing, “Mishloach Manot” (Purim hampers) and fun for Purim

Mishloach Manot

For many Purim turns our kitchens in to a production line of parcel assembling. One must be well prepared for this mass operation

  • Prepare an organized list of who you want to send to. That way you will not forget anyone, and will avoid leftovers.
  • Sort the recipients by categories (family, close friends, neighbors, children, etc.), and put together a list of desired content for each package. Purchase the content based on the lists.
  • In order to reduce costs, purchase in bulk and divide their contents into packages. Be attentive to the content packages: Often packages of the same product contain smaller quantities yet at the same price.
  • Advertising campaigns are often misleading. This is relevant year round, likewise on Purim that swarms with promotions. Carefully validate all offers carefully, verify your needs bearing in mind that Pesach is just around the corner.
  • Homemade is much more fun – think of what you can make yourself. They are not only cheaper to make but also more personal, making a greater impact on recipients (homemade cakes, cookies, etc.).

Package delivery ideas. see Hebrew article on “Mishloach Manot


Remember Purim costumes are only worn for a few hours…

Don’t rush to spend:

  • Stock count: Check out your closets. You may be surprised by the great stuff and accessories you find for your intended fancy dress – old clothes, makeup, accessories etc.
  •  Reach out to a family member: Consider borrowing a costume from friends, family or neighbors.
  • Second-hand costume fairs: Some schools and community centers hold bazaars for second-hand costumes at extremely reasonable prices. Remember: Last year’s butterfly princess could be this year’s princess for you.
  • Handmade: Deep down we all know there is nothing like the good old homemade. Let the older kids design and formulate themselves, you’ll be surprised at how much they enjoy themselves.
    For more ideas see:

    For those who decide to consume (or have consumed)

  • Early Research: Avoid spending prior to educating yourself and what’s available, where and at what price. Compare prices and search online for diverse types of shops
  • If your child is not 100% satisfied with the costume, refrain from buying. They may refuse to wear or change their mind last minute leaving you stuck with a useless expense.
  • Meet needs and expectations: Involve the kids from scratch, create a budget and modify expectations

    ‫Plan ahead‬

  • After Purim most shops cut prices to clear stock. Look out for great offers on accessories and generic /classic costumes that may come in handy next year.

Purim Events

Amidst Covid and social distancing there may be free outdoor events for spectators. Check online or through your local community’s for free or low-cost activities.

And most importantly enjoy Purim and remember the due expenses of Pesach just around the corner

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