
Online lectures for functional and sensible money management

New from Paamonim – Online Lectures via Zoom and Facebook live -Free on a variety of topics in relation to home and family economics 

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Zoom sessions throughout February 2021:

  • 15/2 Beyond Covid 19-Youngsters getting ready for the new world
  • 17/2 Wise economic conduct at a time of crisis
  • 18/2 Tools for prudent economic conduct- working with the Bank
  • 21/2 New! Paamonim in style(ing) – a styling workshop with an emphasis on the economic element
  • 22/2 My pension and I – for young people and families
  • 24/2 Beyond Covid 19-Youngsters getting ready for the new world
  • 28/2 Everything remains in the family – about money, relationships and children

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