

Information about rights – because sometimes we deserve them

Do you know what your rights are? Who do you contact and how to submit the relevant application?

Many times we give up exercising our rights in advance, because we don’t believe that we will be able to overcome the difficulties of the bureaucracy, or often because we don’t appreciate the financial significance and are discouraged.

We believe otherwise. It is possible to overcome these difficulties.

We have compiled information for you, which will help you know what your rights are at this time.

Please note that the information is updated frequently, we recommend that you keep informed and check for updated info. on the various websites. We also recommend that you consult professionals, before making a financial decision on handling these issues.

We are here to answer any questions and will be happy to help even in these difficult days.

You can contact us via our website’s chat, WhatsApp or Pa’amonims’ Facebook page.

National Insurance

Kol Zchut – concentration of all rights and information for their realization (In Hebrew only)

Ministry of Justice – legal aid (In Hebrew only)

The Bar Association – Help Center (In Hebrew only)

SHIL-citizen advisory service – rights, duties and services available to the citizen (In Hebrew only)

Zchut Bekaut – Pitchon Lev – an open heart (In Hebrew only)

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